Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Family Time

Today was pretty chilly, so it actually seems like fall. We had a fire in our fireplace tonight for the first time since we've moved to this house. I made chicken and dumplings for dinner and caramel apples for dessert. I don't know what came over me, I just had to urge to cook something that doesn't involve the microwave. We carved our pumpkin and watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. Coen and I worked on his costume until it became too messy. This is the first year Coen has been excited about holidays. He started talking about Halloween 2 months ago and already has his Christmas list memorized. Tonight made me forget the stressful day I had. i'm so glad we had the opportunity to have QUALITY family time. So many times we put things ahead of our family time. I am notorious for not being able to say no, but I've been working on that. I love my kids and my husband so much. Tonight really reminded me of that.