Saturday, July 26, 2008

Target: an addiction

**This is a post from July that I forgot to post**

Every time I go to target I end up spending way more than I intended. Coupons never help the situation. I usually spend twice as much with coupons. Well last night we went to Hattiesburg so Coen could go to Chuck E. Cheese's(because I have new baby guilt)and we went to Sams and then Target afterwards. I had a 10% off coupon for anything left on my baby registry,so I loaded up my registry with random stuff we needed. Well, by the time we got to Target Coen was exhausted, my feet were swollen, and even Justin was exhausted. I made the mistake of not making a list of things we needed so i wandered aimlessly around target trying to remember what I needed. Everything we bought we needed,but we spent way more than we needed to. That always seems to happen at Target.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

10 days...Wait! 10 days?!

I have 10 days until my c-section. I have been so paranoid this week. Every few minutes I get this overwhelming feeling that I'm going to go into labor this week and I'm not going to be ready! I had a OB appointment yesterday and I just knew the OB was going to tell me I was in labor(everything was normal). It doesn't matter that I'm not having consistent contractions; I still get nervous every time I have braxton hicks contractions. It doesn't help that my OB is out of town this week. Also my mother-in-law, who is supposed to come down to watch Coen, won't be able to come until Aug. 4th(my section date), so if something were to happen before then we wouldn't have anybody here in Laurel I would feel comfortable leaving Coen with for 3 days. It seems like every reliable person I know is going to be out of town or well, not reliable. And I really want this to be a good experience and as close to normal as possible for Coen. But it hit me yesterday that I have no back up plan... Okay I'm having a little bit of a panic attack. This too will pass. I just have to figure out how to clean my entire house with feet the size of footballs.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blogging Troubles

My to do list is coming along. As soon as I clean out our closets I will have completed my list for this week. It feels so good to be caught up on laundry!
Quick side note: I found Coen with the laptop this morning. He was plucking the keys from the keyboard one at a time. Luckily Justin works with computers and is able to get replacement parts easily. Unfortunatly, Its very hard to blog with 6 keys missing. By the way, my son is a tiny clone of his father. Justins mom tells me he did stuff like this all the time when he was a kid...lucky me!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Official Swim Club Member!

Coen "graduated" from swim lessons this morning. All of the kids who have been taking lessons and their families were there(about 25 people). Coen was a little overwhelmed. He refused to show Justin anything he learned, in fact he refused to get in the pool. He finally let Justin take him to the edge of the pool so they could put their feet in. From there he demonstrated his kicking abilities for Justin. We'll have to keep working on the whole getting in the water thing, but Coen is an official member of the Scoggins Swim Club. He was very proud of his certificate. Totally off subject, but as we were leaving I was fixing a drink and knocked over someones can of soda, which spilled onto a envelope of certificates. I wiped up the certificates the best I could and gave them to one of the swim helpers(Cellie, the instructor was in the pool) and she looked at me like I was a monster. I felt like one. I just kind of turned and left. I didn't know what else to do. Why am I so socially ackward?

New clothes...well sort of.

Yesterday my friend Brooke brought me a HUGE tub of her daughters clothes. Most of it is winter clothes 3-6 months which I desperately needed. All of it is so cute! I "ew'd" and "ah'd" over everything for hours. God is so good to me even when I don't trust Him. I have been stressing about buying new winter clothes and this was such a God thing. Even when I leave everyhing up to me, God knows when to take control. If He's this good to me when I don't ask, can you even imagine how good He is when I remember to put my faith and trust in Him. I love the little things, and God is so good at providing little and big things.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I have finally started to "nest"! I hear some pregnant women complain about nesting, or talk about it in a negative way, but I have to say, I am loving it! I have made lists of things to be done before Adeline gets here(I love lists!), and I have started checking off my lists. Much to Justin's horror I made my way around to house last night taking note of everything that had to be done. Here is a sample of the "list":
Week One:
1. Finish Adeline's Room
*Organize Closet
*Hang curtains and curtain rod
*Find matching bedding for full size bed
2.Clean Master Bedroom
*Sort/Wash/Put Away the mountain of laundry
*Organize the closet
*Clean Under the bed
3.Wash the walls and windows
4.Wash Adelines clothes/blankets/bedding with Dreft
Week Two:
1.Clean off Carport/Laundry Room
* Sweep and Organize
*Mow grass
*Weed eat
*Wash siding
3.Organize Closets
4.Shop for last minute items
Week Three:
1.Clean Bathrooms
2.Sweep/Mop/Polish all the floors
3.Organize Pantry/Kitchen Cabinets
4.Clean out the fridge

My list keeps growing, but I have been more productive today than I have been all week! I have gone from having no energy to having an abundance! I'm trying not to over due it and pace myself, but so far I feel great!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

One Month and Counting!

One month from tomorrow(July 4th), Adeline will FINALLY be here! My c-section is scheduled for August 4th at 7:30am and I am so ready to meet her!
My sweet friends came over this week to help me put baby furniture together. It took all three of us to accomplish the task. Regina and her kids got to my house at 10:20 and we took the changing table out of its box and stared at it for a while. At 11:15 when Allison arrived we had organized the millions of pieces. Allison helped us pick up the pace and by 11:45 had most of the changing table put together. It was really complicated! At that point the kids were getting hungry and cranky so we took a McDonald's break. Not exactly relaxing, but the kids loved it. After lunch, sweet Regina took the 3 older kids(Coen 2yrs, Caleb 2yrs, Addyson 4yrs) to the park and to get snow cones. Regina is Wonder Woman. Allison and I took Reginas' baby Hallye inside my house to nap while we finished putting the changing table together.
I want to take a moment to say that the instructions for the changing table clearly said NOT to use a power drill, so we didn't. When we put the drawers together we couldn't get some of the screws to tighten. We tried over and over again but it was not happening. Allison and I were convinced the pieces were defective. So we got everything together except the drawers and then ran into a similar problem with the crib. We called it quits at 4:30 after we had to undo and redo all the work we had done on the crib. Assembly is hard work! Justin came home that night, grabbed a POWER DRILL and finished it in like 2 minutes. Show Off.
Back to my friends, Regina and Allison, they are so wonderful! Without them I would still be procrastinating. I love having friends! That sounds so weird, but after I got married I lost a lot of my friends. Mostly my fault. My priorities shifted and my life was crazy. When I was pregnant with Coen, I felt very isolated. I stayed at home(didn't work outside the home) half of my pregnancy and we stopped going to our church, and I cut myself off. I really regret that now, but it makes me so much more aware of how lucky I am to be surrounded by friends and family now. I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I have now are incredibly kind, smart, fun, supportive, and just all around good people.
For example, Regina asked me back in March if she could throw me a baby shower. She didn't even have to offer since most people think showers for second babies are bad etiquette. She planned the entire thing, sent out invitations, made a beautiful cake, and made me an adorable gift along with helping buy a high chair. A few of my other friends helped host and it all meant so much to me. I have the best friends in the world!
So I have rambled all over the place and probably used horrible grammar, but I think I got my point across, which is, I have phenomenal friends! I hope I can be there for them like they have for me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hamburger Helper...

So I cooked Hamburger Helper for dinner last night. It was quick and easy and I thought it tasted pretty good. It's not gourmet or anything, but its decent enough. Well Coen took one look at his plate and yelled "EWWWWWW! Yuck! That's gross!" I just rolled my eyes and told him to eat his dinner. I told him it tasted like mac n cheese(his favorite food)but he wasn't buying it. He told me he was done. At this point he hadn't even tasted it. Well Justin told him he had to eat a few bite before he left the table. I told him he couldn't read any books or watch any TV until he ate some of his food. Justin told him he would go straight to bed if he didn't eat his food right then. Well Coen picked up a noodle and stuck it in his mouth and proceeded to gag. He sat there and almost made himself vomit. Well neither of us believed that the hamburger helper was that disgusting so we made him keep trying. Every bite he took, he gagged and spit his food out. Finally after a threat of no bath time he ate 1 noodle and a few bites of corn. Needless to say he went to bed right after bath. Where did my child learn this dramatic behavior? Probably Sponge Bob.