Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh what a day!

So, it's been forever since I've blogged! I started back at Jones County Junior College this summer, so I've been crazy busy! Adeline will be one next month! What?! I know, crazy! Our family just got back from the beach, which was awesome! Coen is still talking about all the fun things he did! I'll try to write a few detailed blogs on everything that has happened lately, but for now, let me tell you about the past two days!
Adeline hasn't been feeling well lately, so I made an appointment to take her to see the doctor. Yesterday we left bright and early to drop Justin off, so that we could make it to the doctor at 8:30 I had dressed Adeline in her cutest little outfit to show the doctors we take care of her, and don't neglect her cute clothes. Well, she's had been coughing and gagging(which is why we were going to the doctor), and all of everything thing that was in her little tummy landed directly on her clothes. I had no time to go home, so I cleaned her up with baby wipes the best I could. I found a yellow onesie in the back of our car for her to wear... I didn't know why, or how long it had been back there, but I was thankful. Of course I had to explain to every one we saw that she had vomited on her cute outfit. She has an ear infection, and the drainage is making her gag. Poor Adeline was told countless time what a cute little boy she is. I drape a blanket over her car seat when we left, and off to the pharmacy. Of course Coen rips open a toy when I'm checking out. If anyone wants a light-up saber sword let me know, because Coen will NEVER play with that toy. Adeline naps when we get home while I wash the car seat cover and try to get the vomit smell out of the car. I was unsuccessful at the latter. While I am selflessly cleaning vomit, Coen is stealing all the snacks out of the fridge... and dumping them on the floor. Anyway, when naps are over I put Adeline in her car seat to go to Walmart. She pukes again. If our fridge hadn't been cleaned out by Coen I wouldn't have left the house. I mean Justin could have walked home from work at that point. After fighting the crowds in the Walmart parking lot, we actually had a pleasant shopping experience. This is not the norm. Anyway, I probably could have kept my sanity if today hadn't been so horrendous.
My day started out like any other day; I made a yummy bagel for breakfast and loaded the kids in the car to take Justin to work. We dropped him off and were halfway to Laurel when a car comes out of nowhere and almost rear ended me. I was going 65 and he was probably going 85-90. He swerved out of the way just in time, but as we cross a bridge, he starts veering my direction. I laid on my horn and screamed. I look over and see a man passed out in the driver seat. He regains consciousness in time to swerve back in his lane. He never hit the brakes, or pulled over, or stayed in his lane for more that 2 second. Of all days, I left my phone at home, or I would've called the police. He ran off the road, nearly missing trees several times. I was in tears, feeling helpless. I was out of his way, but I had no idea if he would hit someone else. I don't know if he was drunk, sick, or drowsy, but he did not belong on the road. I made it a block from my house, and a red truck, over-flowing with JUNK is turning, and some of his junk comes flowing out into the road. I swerve and miss, and made it home alive.
Coen takes it upon himself to make my day worse. He pushed his train table to the middle of the room so that he could go potty in the corner of his room. I could have forgiven this, but he proceeds to blame it on our toy poodle(we have a toy poodle now). Excuse my crudeness, but the poop was as big as the poodle.
When I was cleaning the kitchen, I put a carpet cleaner under the sink. I walked away, but when I came back the kitchen was flooded. Apparently I bumped the pipe, which caused the pipe to bust. There is now a bucket under our sink. I think this is a sign from God to remodel our kitchen. Justin does not agree.
Well an hour later Coen is screaming at Adeline, telling her to get out of the bathroom. I go to check it out and there is poop ALL OVER THE BATHROOM FLOOR! I cried. My son is potty trained! He has been for months. He sleeps in big boy undies! He does this to drive me insane.
SO Justin and I are having a date night tonight. Dinner, Movie, Sams... the perfect night. I also made a 100 on my music appreciation final! So yay!
Oh and Coen ate 2 lunchables for lunch. He didn't think I would notice I guess. He had to have scaled the fridge to reach them... Like I said, he's doing this to make me crazy!


Christy said...


I seriously don't know WHAT to say except that you are my hero!!!!

I would have committed myself :)

Layton has dibs on the sword HA! HA!

Christy said...

Oh, what did the dr. say about Adeline? What is causing the gagging? Is it drainage?

Amy said...

Layton can have the stupid sword! Excuse my language! Yeah, the doctor said she thought it was the drainage making her gag, so yay! It's gotten better though!

Anonymous said...

no idea you were a blogger amy! you couldve told me! i hope you continue! it really is stress relief! you didn't tell me all the gruesome details whenever i was over yesterday! you should have vented! i love you! youre an awesome mom and a genuine friend.

Amy said...

Aww!Julie I love you too!Yeah I've been blogging on and off for a year and a half. I'm really bad about being consistant! Two grouchy boys made it very hard to vent yesterday! Haha!