Friday, July 17, 2009

Squeaky Squeaker

You know when your in a quiet place, like the movies, a classroom, or church, and someone is breaking the silence with awkward sounds... ok not farts, just sounds. Well yesterday I was one of THOSE people. I was already late when I entered a silent room to take my final at JCJC. I tried tiptoeing back to the computer terminal to take the test, but my wet flip-flops squeaked very loudly. Of course I picked the computer with the creaky chair. Every breath I took the chair squeaked, so I tried not to breathe too hard. Every time I moved my eyeballs the chair squeaked, so I noisily got up to get a better chair. I could feel the death stares being thrown at me from across the room. The new chair didn't squeak, but it rolled noisily. The test supervisor just stared at me in disbelief. I attempted to give him an apologetic smile, while gesturing at the squeaker chair. He really did not look liked he cared about my chair problems. So finally I get settled at the computer to type... I never imagined a keyboard as loud as the one I got stuck with. I finished my test quickly and noisily, and left without making eye contact.

1 comment:

Christy said...

That is HILARIOUS. Thank you for the laugh :)