Friday, July 11, 2008


I have finally started to "nest"! I hear some pregnant women complain about nesting, or talk about it in a negative way, but I have to say, I am loving it! I have made lists of things to be done before Adeline gets here(I love lists!), and I have started checking off my lists. Much to Justin's horror I made my way around to house last night taking note of everything that had to be done. Here is a sample of the "list":
Week One:
1. Finish Adeline's Room
*Organize Closet
*Hang curtains and curtain rod
*Find matching bedding for full size bed
2.Clean Master Bedroom
*Sort/Wash/Put Away the mountain of laundry
*Organize the closet
*Clean Under the bed
3.Wash the walls and windows
4.Wash Adelines clothes/blankets/bedding with Dreft
Week Two:
1.Clean off Carport/Laundry Room
* Sweep and Organize
*Mow grass
*Weed eat
*Wash siding
3.Organize Closets
4.Shop for last minute items
Week Three:
1.Clean Bathrooms
2.Sweep/Mop/Polish all the floors
3.Organize Pantry/Kitchen Cabinets
4.Clean out the fridge

My list keeps growing, but I have been more productive today than I have been all week! I have gone from having no energy to having an abundance! I'm trying not to over due it and pace myself, but so far I feel great!

1 comment:

Christy said...


Can I come help? LOL

I am such a nerd.