Saturday, July 26, 2008

Target: an addiction

**This is a post from July that I forgot to post**

Every time I go to target I end up spending way more than I intended. Coupons never help the situation. I usually spend twice as much with coupons. Well last night we went to Hattiesburg so Coen could go to Chuck E. Cheese's(because I have new baby guilt)and we went to Sams and then Target afterwards. I had a 10% off coupon for anything left on my baby registry,so I loaded up my registry with random stuff we needed. Well, by the time we got to Target Coen was exhausted, my feet were swollen, and even Justin was exhausted. I made the mistake of not making a list of things we needed so i wandered aimlessly around target trying to remember what I needed. Everything we bought we needed,but we spent way more than we needed to. That always seems to happen at Target.

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