Sunday, September 28, 2008

How Great Is Our God!

My God is so great! He died for the sins of the world, when we are so undeserving. He died so that I could be cleansed of my sins, turn from them, and live for Him. Everyday I have to turn from the world, so that He can shine through me. Some days I mess up... a lot of days I mess up, but Jesus is always there to catch me. What an awesome Savior I serve.

One day Jesus is coming back for me, and all His followers. What a day that will be. I have such mixed emotions about His return. I am ecstatic that I will spend eternity with my Lord. I feel sorrow that many people I love have never excepted Jesus as their Savior. I feel humility, because I don't deserve eternity with my God; I deserve hell. I don't know if God will return in my lifetime, but regardless, when I die I will live with Him. I truly believe Gods return is near. The bible warns of signs of the end times, and many signs have been fulfilled. Jesus' return is imminent and we should all prepare ourselves. I want to strive to live a life worthy of God. I hope everyone who reads this blog knows the love of God, and has excepted it into your lives.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Is does appear His return is soon. I cannot help but be alarmed at the turn of events today.